Monday, June 16, 2008

Myspace or Friendster?

Social networking on Myspace or Friendster is booming as young adults find one another online to chat, post comments, post photos, and share info about the latest happenings in their world. The concept of Myspace, which is basically, a free bulletin board for anyone to create a web site that is all about networking and communicating with friends and creating new friends too is one of the fine cerebral approach of some genius. With the potential users social networking on Myspace or Friendster is overwhelmed with information. Users create a free account; enter detail information about them and share their site with their friends. Their friends then post comments on the Myspace a reply. Myspace or Friendster is overflowing with different types of information exchange between teens, which may be good or bad. The users with easy to use tools at their administration can have a site, which was earlier thought that only the geeks could use it. The sharing feature of Myspace or Friendster was initially used for good but later due to the posting of some content that is considered not to be spoken publicly has created the negative side of these sites. Another wrongdoings that have shaken the world of social networking is that the kids post news of a party in their area, to their site. Such postings spread out agitation and hatred within the community quickly. The teenagers who do not think much about its after affects generally make these postings. Some schools and the parents are getting alert to check the same. Schools have implemented rules to put the student run on the correct tract. They are warned that they would be thrown out if they do not clean up their sites. Parents are also trying to become good friends of their children guiding them with their knowledge and keeping watch on all their activities because there are chances to get involved in the wrong activities. Do not let them to access Internet and even if they are allowed to do the same then take care that they do not get involved in wrong doings. Take care that such event can have a fatal ending. Though there are several negative sides but still Myspace or Friendster proved themselves as one of the hottest social networking sites with nearly 60 million subscribers and was recently bought by a major corporation because of its lucrative target market for advertising income.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Lesen P
Ini kisah yang diceritakan oleh kawan aku daripada Kedah, namanya Jenan. Dia kata cerita ini benar-benar berlaku. Kisahnya begini ... seorang pak cik tua yang baru saja lulus lesen menunggang motosikal. Jadi, mengikut undang-undang, stiker berhuruf "P" hendaklah digantung pada motosikal sekiranya seseorang baru dapat lesen motor. Pak cik tu tunggang motosikal. Adala police road block ...
Polis : "P" mana pakcik?
Pak Cik : P Aloq Staq (loghat Kedah).
Polis : Pak cik nak bergurau pulak. "P" mana pak cik?
Pak Cik : Aku nak p Aloq Staq. (Dah mula naik anging). Polis : Amboi, main-main pulak pakcik (tersengih).Pak Cik, "P" mana?
Pak Cik : Aku habaq Aloq Staq hangpa tak percaya. Apa hang ingat aku tak tau ka jalan ni nak pi aloq staq. Hangpa jadi polis pun hangpa jangan nak perleceh aku tau (marah).
Polis : Pi pi pi pi lah ... nyusah aje
Pak Cik : kan mudah camtu ...

Monday, June 9, 2008

Idiots on the computer

Any time you feel dumb, don't worry. Check out the following excerpts from a "Wall Street Journal" article by Jim Carlton. Lots of people are dumber than you.

1. Compaq is considering changing the command "Press Any Key" to "Press Return Key" because of the many calls asking where the "Any" key is.

2. AST technical support had a caller complaining that her mouse was hard to control with the dust cover on. The cover turned out to be the plastic bag the mouse was packaged in.

3. Another Compaq technician received a call from a man complaining that the system wouldn't read word processing files from his old diskettes. After trouble-shooting for magnets and heat failed to diagnose the problem, it was found that the customer labeled the diskettes by rolling them into a typewriter to type on them.

4. Another AST customer was asked to send a copy of her defective diskettes. A few days later a letter arrived from the customer along with Xeroxed copies of the floppies.

5. A Dell technician advised his customer to put his troubled floppy back in the drive and close the door. The customer asked the tech to hold on, and was then heard putting the phone down, getting up and crossing the room to close the door to his room.

6. Another Dell customer called to say he couldn't get his computer to fax anything. After 40 minutes of trouble-shooting, the technician discovered the man was trying to fax a piece of paper by holding it in front of the monitor screen and hitting the "send" key.

7. Another Dell customer needed help setting up a new program, so a
Dell tech suggested he go to the local Egghead. "Yeah, I got me a couple of friends," the customer replied. When told "Egghead" was a software store, the man said, "Oh, I thought you meant for me to find a couple of geeks."

8. Yet another Dell customer called to complain that his keyboard no longer worked. He had cleaned it by filling up his tub with soap and water and soaking the keyboard for a day, then removing all the keys and washing them individually.

9. A Dell technician received a call from a customer who was enraged because his computer had told him he was "bad and an invalid". The tech explained that the computer's "bad command" and "invalid" responses shouldn't be taken personally.

10. An exasperated caller to Dell Computer Tech Support couldn't get her new Dell Computer to turn on. After ensuring that the computer was plugged in, the technician asked her what happened when she pushed the power button. Her response, "I pushed and pushed on this foot pedal and nothing happens." The "foot pedal" turned out to be the computer's mouse.

11. Another customer called Compaq tech support to say her brand-new computer wouldn't work. She said she unpacked the unit, plugged it in, and sat there for 20 minutes waiting for something to happen. When asked what happened when she pressed the power switch, she asked "What power switch?"

12. True story from a Novell NetWire SysOp: Caller: "Hello, is this Tech Support?" Tech: "Yes, it is. How may I help you?" Caller: "The cup holder on my PC is broken and I am within my warranty period. How do I go about getting that fixed?" Tech: "I'm sorry, but did you say a "cup holder"?" Caller: "Yes, it's attached to the front of my computer." Tech: "Please excuse me if I seem a bit stumped; it's because I am. Did you receive this as part of a promotion, like at a trade show? How did you get this cup holder? Does it have any trademark on it?" Caller: "It came with my computer, I don't know anything about a promotional. It just has '4X' on it." At this point the Tech Rep had to mute the caller, because he couldn't stand it. The caller had been using the load drawer of the CD-ROM drive as a cup holder, and snapped it off the drive! Another well-known one that I can add is the true tale of the user who called up complaining that the instructions said to load the four diskettes into "Drive A" but he couldn't possibly get more than two in.
Sumpah Tak Buat Lagi

"Sepasang suami isteri - seperti pasangan lain di kota-kota besar meninggalkan anak-anak diasuh pembantu rumah semasa keluar bekerja.Anak tunggal pasangan ini, perempuan berusia tiga setengah tahun.Bersendirian di rumah, dia kerap dibiarkan pembantunya yang sibuk bekerja bermain di luar, tetapi pintu pagar tetap dikunci. Bermainlah dia sama ada berbuai-buai di atas buaian yang dibeli bapanya, ataupun memetik bunga raya, bunga kertas dan lain-lain di laman rumahnya. Suatu hari dia terjumpa sebatang paku karat. Dia pun melakar simen tempat letak kereta ayahnya tetapi kerana diperbuat daripada marmar,lakaran tidak kelihatan. Dicubanya pada kereta baru ayahnya. Ya....kerana kereta itu bewarna gelap, lakarannya jelas. Apa lagi kanak-kanak ini pun melakarlah melahirkan kreativitinya. Hari itu bapa dan ibunya bermotosikal ke tempat kerja kerana minyak baru dinaikkan harga hari ini, 6hb Jun 2008. Semalam mereka tak sempat isi minyak kerana pulang lewat. Sampai je stesen minyak, atendan pam beritahu minyak dah habis...Nasiblah sebab mereka juga yang undi BN!!!! Hidup Pak Lah....!!Penuh sebelah kanan dia beredar ke sebelah kiri kereta. Dilakarnya gambar ibu dan ayahnya, gambarnya sendiri, lukisan ayam, kucing dan sebagainya mengikut imaginasinya. Kejadian itu langsung tak disedari si pembantu rumah. Pulang petang itu, terkejut besar pasangan itu melihat kereta yang baru setahun dibeli dengan bayaran ansuran yang belum habis berbayar, berbatik-batik. Si bapa yang belum pun masuk ke rumah terus menjerit, 'Siapa punya kerja ni?' Pembantu rumah yang tersentak dengan jeritan itu berlari keluar. Dia juga beristighfar. .Mukanya merah padam ketakutan tambah-tambah melihat wajah bengis tuannya.Sekali lagi diajukan pertanyaan keras kepadanya, dia terus mengatakan 'Tak tahu... !''Saya tak tahu Tuan..! ''Duduk di rumah sepanjang hari tak tahu, apa kau buat?' herdik si isteri lagi. bila anak yang mendengar suara ayahnya, tiba-tiba berlari keluar dari bilik. Dengan penuh manja dia berkata 'Ita buat ayahhh.. cantik kan!' katanya menerkam ayahnya ingin bermanja seperti selalu. Dengan kasih murni seorang anak yang belum memahami apa-apa, menarik lembut poket seluar abahnya, manja. Si ayah yang hilang sabar merentap ranting kecil pokok bunga kertas didepannya, terus dipukul bertalu-talu tapak tangan anaknya. Si anak yang tak mengerti apa-apa terlolong-lolong kesakitan sekaligus ketakutan.Puas memukul tapak tangan, si ayah memukul pula belakang tangan anaknya. Si ibu cuma mendiamkan diri, mungkin setuju dan berasa puas dengan hukuman yang dikenakan.Pembantu rumah melopong, tak tahu nak buat apa-apa, sungguh kesian dan teramat sedih, namun dia sangat takut. Si bapa cukup rakus memukul-mukul tangan kanan dan kemudian tangan kiri anaknya. Selepas merasa puas, si bapa masuk ke rumah dituruti si ibu. Pembantu rumah segera memeluk dengan penuh sayang dan duka, cepat-cepat menggendong anak kecil itu, membawanya ke bilik. Dilihatnya tapak tangan dan belakang tangan si anak kecil calar balar. Menangis teresak-esak keduanya dalam bilik.Pembantu rumah memandikan anak kecil itu. Sambil menyiram air sambil dia menangis. Anak kecil itu pula terjerit-jerit menahan kepedihan sebaik calar-balar itu terkena air. Si pembantu rumah kemudian menidurkan anak kecil itu. Si bapa sengaja membiarkan anak itu tidur bersama pembantu rumah. Keesokkan harinya, kedua-dua belah tangan si anak bengkak. Pembantu rumah mengadu. 'Sapukan minyak gamat tu!' balas tuannya, bapa si anak. Pulang dari kerja, dia tidak melayan anak kecil itu yang menghabiskan masa di bilik pembantu. Si bapa konon mahu mengajar anaknya. Tiga hari berlalu, si ayah langsung tidak menjenguk anaknya sementara si ibu juga begitu tetapi setiap hari bertanya kepada pembantu rumah. 'Ita demam..' jawap pembantunya ringkas. 'Bagi minum panadol tu,' balas si ibu. Sebelum si ibu masuk bilik tidur dia menjenguk bilik pembantunya. Apabila dilihat anaknya ita dalam pelukan pembantu rumah, dia menutup semula pintu.Masuk hari keempat, pembantu rumah memberitahu tuannya bahawa suhu badan Ita terlalu panas. 'Petang nanti kita bawa ke klinik. Pukul 5.00 siap' kata majikannya itu. Sampai waktunya si anak yang longlai dibawa ke klinik. Doktor mengarahnya ia dirujuk ke hospital kerana keadaannya serius. Setelah seminggu di wad pediatrik doktor memanggil bapa dan ibu kanak-kanak itu. 'Tiada pilihan..' katanya yang mencadangkan agar kedua-dua tangan kanak-kanak itu dipotong kerana jangkitan yang sudah menjadi gangren sudah terlalu teruk. 'Ia sudah bernanah, demi nyawanya tangan perlu dipotong dari siku ke bawah' kata doktor. Si bapa dan ibu bagaikan terkena halilintar mendengar kata-kata itu. Terasa dirinya tunggang terbalik, tapi apalah dapat dikatakan. Si ibu meraung merangkul si anak. Dengan berat hati dan lelehan air mata isterinya, si bapa terketar-ketar menandatangani surat kebenaran pembedahan. Keluar dari bilik pembedahan, selepas ubat bius yang dikenakanhabis, si anak menangis kesakitan. Dia juga terpinga-pinga, melihatkedua- dua tangannya berbalut putih. Direnung muka ayah dan ibunya. Kemudian ke wajah pembantu rumah.Dia mengerutkan dahi melihat mereka semua menangis. Dalam seksaan menahan sakit, si anak yang keletah bersuara dalam linangan air mata.'Abah.. Mama... Ita tak buat lagi. Ita tak mau ayah pukul. Ita tak mau jahat. Ita sayang abah.. sayang mama.' katanya berulang kali membuatkan si ibu gagal menahan rasa. 'Ita juga sayang Kak Narti..' katanya memandang wajah pembantu rumah, sekaligus membuatkan gadis dari Surabaya itu meraung seperti histeria.Tidak seorang pun yang melihat suasana itu tidak menangis.... 'Abah.. bagilah balik tangan Ita. Buat apa ambil.. Ita janji tak buat lagi! Ita nak makan, macam mana? Nak main macam mana? Ita janji tak conteng kereta lagi,' katanya bertalu-talu. Bagaikan gugur jantung si ibu mendengar kata-kata anaknya. Meraunglah dia sekuat hati namun takdir yang sudah terjadi, tiada manusia dapat menahannya.. "Didiklah dan pukullah anak anda dengan penuh kasih sayang, bukan untuk lepaskan geram & marah anda...." (,")(",) "

Thursday, June 5, 2008

How to Protect your PC from Virus Attacks?

If you find a virus in your system and can establish precisely what it is, it is a time to remove it from your system. Having procedures in place to detect viruses is important is a plan for how you will remove what ever you find. You must remember that the majority of virus alarms turn out to be false alarms, and are the result of some user , software ,or hardware error , proceed with your detection assuming that although it may be a virus , it just as likely to be something else , so note all symptoms carefully and see what the combination point to. If the problem turn out to be a virus, it is still important not to panic. You need a cool head to minimize further damage and to remove the virus as cleanly and efficiently as possible, don’t just get out your copy of FORMAT or FDISK and start formatting the hard disk. Using an Anti-Virus Product Most antivirus products offer virus removal capabilities. Usually these functions are built into the scanner, giving you the option to remove a virus from a file the moment it is detected in the file. Removal of some viruses is fairly straightforward for antivirus products can remove some viruses, but can’t remove very many. When choosing a product, ask whether the product can remove all common removable viruses. Some viruses can’t be removed, no matter how clever the author of the antivirus software. This is because the virus has overwritten some of your original program, effectively erasing it. Without knowledge of what was supposed to be where the virus “sat down” all an antivirus product can do is offer to delete the entire program. Virus Detection Strategy If the virus is detected in the memory, but not in any file, and if the virus detected is an extremely rare virus, ask yourself whether another scanner that leaves in memory the scan string it was using can produce a false alarm when another scanner runs. if the virus is detected in only one program on your hard disk , ask your self how often you have used this program ,If you have used it several times in the past , then any virus it has had an opportunity to infect other files, if it has not done so yet, it probably a false alarm , don’t delete the single program in which the virus was reported and don’t attempt removal, instead , reboot from an uninfected , write protected floppy disk and run another scanner to determine if it too finds something in this file . If it doesn’t assume that it is a false alarm. If the virus is detected in several programs you use commonly, you almost certainly have an infection. Do not attempt to remove the virus product yet! You may cause irreparable harm to your files. Protecting computers from viruses Simply, do not give out your email address to widely, and never access a floppy disk given by someone you don’t know. Plus there is a load of antivirus software available which can help detect and clean out viruses, but then remember, virus programmers are driven by the desire to stay ahead of this kind of software. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE OF COMPUTER SYSTEMS There are three things one can do to prevent viral infection in a computer system.
These are:- 1) limited sharing of software 2) limited transitivity 3) limited functionality One can limit sharing by limiting information flow so as to form a post office set of communicating information domains in a network system , in such a system , a virus will spread only to those domains which are in the transitive flow path from its initial source. In a system with unlimited sharing by limited information paths, limited transitivity may have an effect if users do not use all available paths, but since there is always a direct path between any two user , there s always the possibilities of infection . as an example , in a system , with transitivity limited to a distance of 1, it is safe to share information with any user you trust without having to worry about whether the user has wrongly trusted another user.